RDE 11

The ultimate riding machine. The world’s strongest ebike purpose-built for delivery.

Build Your OwnRequest to Ride

Gen 3

Flexible Storage Racks to Carry Anything

Specially designed frame built to withstand the road. Extended front and rear carriers for delivery boxes of any size.

Belt Drive

Ride quietly and smoothly. Lower maintenance and less mess with twice the lifespan of a chain-driven systems.

Swappable Battery

With a range of at least 80KM, there is no need to stop to charge.

Swap a battery or charge it on the Ebike, your call.

Stay Connected
with IoT

Proprietary IoT technology enables functions such as vehicle location tracking, remote control, error-monitoring and anti-theft.

Integrated into Rybit software; run business with fleet performance analysis, lifecycle management, in-APP payment and various features.

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Powerful Motor

Powerful motor to conquer any urban environment. Motor ranging from 250W to 750W depending on location.

Bike Lock

Commonly referred as u-lock, o-lock, wheel lock or frame lock; permanently attached to the GEN3. The key stays in the lock when the Ebike is unlocked making it difficult to forget.

IoT-enabled models come with front hub auto-locking feature.

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